

fluentd - log forwarding
elastic search - log indexing
kibana - log visualisation
Logtrail - easy to use kibana to show logs

mount efs and ebs in kubernetes using storageClass

stateful set needed- when static hostname

some volume attached to sts efs or ebs

list all resources in kubernetes:
 kubectl get all -n glp2-int
Persistent volumes and PVC:
PV is a piece of storage in the cluster that has been provisioned by an administrator or dynamically provisioned using Storage Classes
kubectl get storage class
for i in `kubectl get node | cut -d  ' ' - f 1 | grep -i internal`; do kubectl label nodes ${i} NAME; done

Create everythin on the current directory:
kubectl create -f .
kubectl get role -n namespace
kubectl get roleBinding -n namespace
kubectl get ClusterRole
kubectl get clusterRole binding

3 kinds:
1- parallel
2- non parallel with fixed completion count
3- non parallel with work queue


kubectl get pods --field-selector=status.phase!=Running


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