Create ELB and Auto Scaling

1) create ELB
2) create Launch configuration and AutoScaling
3) Enable ACM in ELB

Goto EC2 console > ELB >
Give load_balancer_name > give your vpc > open http, port 80 > Choose only the public subnets (do not choose the private ones as it connot access the traffic whenever in private) > create a new security group for ELB, open port 80 only > configure health chack: TCP: port 80> add ec2 instances > add tags> ec2-elb > create

On the created load balancer > instance (you can see as out of service)

On EC2 let us install Wordpress application

Now let's take AMI of EC2 Instance (AMI is input for autoscaling's launch configuration) > create

Go to certificate manager > register your domain name(for security)
Go to AMIs to check if AMIs are created or not
Go to autoscaling > Launch Configurations (make sure to select same security group)>
configure auto-scaling through launch configurations>
create autoscaling group > select group size as the minimum amount of ec2s launched> make sure to select right vpc> add multiple subnets where you want these instances to be launched in our case these are public subnets add all those > on advanced settings attach your classic load balancer with the auto-scaling configuration

on creating ASG I selected '
Scale between 2 and 4 instances. These will be the minimum and maximum size of your group.
you can add notification to the SNS that you have configured> configure and create an auto-scaling group
Once you are done go to ELB > ELB's instances section > look for the status you the instances
One of them is showing OutOfservice, after clicking on the related instance I get the instance status as running.


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